In other news I thought I might share with you the most amazing and inspirational book I have seen this year. Alinea.
I bought it for S. this Christmas (one of the benefits of having the same interests). He loves it, I love it, were both happy, actually, I'm super happy. All I want to do is cook! First, of course, we need chemicals, so our next trip to the city will be in search of soy lecithin and agar agar. Something we can't find 'round these parts. So we can make this.
Duck with pumpkin, banana and thai aromatics. I do believe I'm drooling already.
The book consists of more than a hundred recipes, but the essays it starts with especially the one by Grant himself are worth the price alone. I'm loving his essay describing the thought process behind his inspiration for food. He's an incredible chef.
But for now I'm going to go, to end the new year with P.S. I love you, swooning over Gerard Butler and munching on carrot sticks.
May the new year bring you down many new roads. Goodbye 2008.
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