
November 26, 2011


So I want to tell you about cabbage.  I know, who likes green cabbage right?  I mean aside from coleslaw obv.  I tried to, I really did.  I ate it for almost a week straight raw, sliced thin with a miso dressing.  I forced it down my throat telling myself it was healthy.  And that is certainly is, very healthy.  But I just couldn't do it anymore and I was left with 1/3 of a head of thinly sliced green cabbage with some red onion, toasted almonds and roasted broccoli and cauliflower sprinkled in.

I decided to cook it and thank god I did, I can only imagine the guilt I would have felt throwing it out!  I heated up a good splash of canola oil in a pan and threw in the cabbage mix.  I tossed around a bit and cooked it for a few minutes.  After about 3 minutes I squeezed in a large amount of sirracha and cooked it for a few more minutes.  Just before I took it off the heat I drizzled in some soy sauce and seasoned with pepper.

When it came out of the pan cooked, though still crisp, it was heaven.  Absolutely delicious, in fact I compared it to something you'd receive at a chinese food restaurant, except a hundred times healthier.  It had the natural sweetness of the cabbage with the saltiness of the soy and the spice from the hot sauce.  Next time around I'll add a few swipes of orange zest to boost the flavour.  It was crunchy, crispy, scrumptious and healthy to boot.  Win!

Cabbage...with hot sauce?

I don't know what to call this dish, it's so simple.  Don't think to hard about it, just cook.

Serves: 3 big portions

1/3 of a large green cabbage, sliced thinly
1 cup of assorted roasted vegetables, optional
1 green onion, sliced thinly
1/4 cup red onion, small dice
1/4 cup toasted almonds, chopped
3 Tbsp canola oil
2 Tbsp sirracha
1- 1 1/2 Tbsp soy sauce
Pepper to taste

In a large mixing bowl combine the cabbage, onions and almonds.  Heat the oil in a large pan over medium-high heat.  Add the cabbage mixture and lower to medium heat.  Sauté for 3 or so minutes, add sirracha and mix thoroughly.  Cook another few minutes until you think it is cooked and add soy sauce and pepper.  Add a few swipes of citrus zest if you choose.  Enjoy!

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