
September 27, 2012

where i talk about the boring things.

Life on a strict budget can be quite boring in the blog world.  My days are filled with cooking, running and reading.  Not boring for me per se, but boring to talk about with you.  Here are pictures from the last few weeks that I hadn't got around to sharing.
our daily walk. mount baker just to the right.
where we lay in the grass, and by we I mean Butter and I.

fog is a constant in my new life.
oh there are my sunglasses!
and more fog (or moonscape?)
saturday morning breakfasts are something to treasure. I love that my husband is home now.
we went on our september date while our kitchen was being tiled
always running
the time i screwed up making pie
fog. fog. fog. 
hikes in the park
we might get around the fall this weekend. but then again maybe not, it seems we'll be spending it mostly in chilliwack. i can't wait!


  1. Your monotonous life seems fabulous to me! It seems that you have everything everyone wants. I love it:)

  2. I have to agree with your mom. You have it all. Not boring at all.
