
March 4, 2013

Shane's Birthday & February Date Night

So it's been a few days already that Shane turned 29.  Let me tell you, he wasn't to thrilled about it.  We made it low key, just a special blip on the calender.  I made him a nice breakfast that he brought to school (blueberry muffins and glazed bacon). And I drove to Burnaby for lunch at Fatburger.  He lost his wallet and we went out for dinner.  For dessert we had ice cream cake.  All and all, fairly uneventful. Just how he wanted it.

The night before had our February date.  Originally we had planned to go bouldering, it was Shane's month to choose.  Instead we waited too long, Shane got shingles and wasn't in any shape to be climbing anything.  So we swapped March's date with February's.  Our bucket list date.  Back in December I found a copy of The Bucket List for cheap and bought it.  We watched it on Tuesday (with a big bowl of caramel and chocolate coated popcorn) and on Wednesday we headed to Starbucks, each armed with a notepad.  Together we came up with a couple's bucket list, of things we hope to accomplish as a couple before the end of our time together.  You can see that list here.
It was so much fun to make these dreams and plans with the person I love so much.  To know that these are the awesome and fun things we are in store for is a very optimistic feeling.  Strangely, I also made my own bucket list (the things Shane doesn't care to do together), and I also made a food bucket list. Shocker, I know. (I'm joking, if you can't tell, my life revolves around lists.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm down for the tough mudder. Stephlynne might be too.:)
