
January 31, 2013

Big News!

Hey!  I've got news: we got a new bed.  More news: it looks ridiculous!  Part of the settlement money we received from ICBC we spent on a new bed.  We so desperately needed one, ours was a very cheap ikea set I bought before I met Shane.  That means it was a piece of crap bed that was seven years old, so wonder Shane's back was always so sore.  The reason our bed looks ridiculous is because it's up to my waist, we both have to jump to get on.  And yesterday morning I fell off of it.  The frame we have sit about 12 inches off the ground and provides very essential storage for us under the bed (we live in 450 square feet, remember?), which makes the bed about 8 inches higher than it should be.  We're going to have to live with it until we move to a new place (next summer?), and maybe invest in a step stool.

More very super exciting news: we're going on vacation!  Remember when I said that I wanted to go to Puerto Rico before the accident?  Now we can afford to!  We're going for 9 nights over Shane's spring break, March 9-19.  I am so super jazzed! I can't wait!!  You'll be sure to hear all about it as soon as we're back, but I wanted to tell you about how we chose Puerto Rico, since I didn't even know where it was until we booked tickets.  In the first days of the new year Shane saw a picture on facebook that looked like this: he showed me the picture and asked if we could go there.  I jumped of course and said yes.  The picture is of the bioluminescent bay in Mosquito Bay on the island of Vieques in Puerto Rico. I figured out how to get there (fly), when to go (on a new moon, which there happens to be on the Monday we are there) and after much deliberation finally booked the tickets! We will spend one night in San Juan, rent a car and drive to Cieba, take a plane to Vieques, spend three nights there, fly back, spend three nights in Loquillo and two nights back in San Juan.  We will be kayaking, snorkeling and sun bathing, hiking and most of all, eating!  I love vacations.

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