
March 7, 2011

March 7

Believe it or not, today feels like spring.  I went for a walk today (as always), before the sun came up.  I dared the weather, wearing just a sweater, scarf and mittens.  Hustling my behind I found I wasn't cold.  I. Wasn't. Cold.  Haha! Spring, you've done it!  Granted this is a temporary thing, the rain and cold are expected to be back tomorrow, I'll take what I can get.  Spring makes my joyful and optimistic.  Sunshine and warm temperatures make the next 41 days seem so much quicker.
The rose buds on the amazing rose bushes in my backyard are slowly creeping out.
And wonder of all wonders, I found that the shallots that did so poorly last year, that I left in the ground grew like this over the winter!  They are huge!  What a treasure to find in the last days of winter!

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