
January 3, 2012

January Date Night

I started working on Shane's Christmas gift all the way back in October.  I saw an idea posted on pintrest and I knew instantly it was the right present.  I dreamed up twelve dates, wrote a note for each, prepaid them and assigned them to a month.  Each month was stuck in an envelope and on Christmas morning, without ceremony I brought out the 12 envelopes and handed them to him.

"Your last gift" I said to him handing over the stack.
"What is it?" he asked looking slightly confused.
"Twelve dates. One for every month."  He opened one and read it.  He opened another.  He was getting excited.
"It's the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever got me." he whispered.

Bingo!  Yeah it was me!  Needless to say he was stoked.  He opened each and everyone, by the end he was nearly speechless.  As a bonus to it all, we get twelve guilt-free dates!

Here was January:
 Now a video game night might not sound all that special to you, but in our house it's nothing short of miraculous.  You see, I don't play video games, in fact I have a passionate dislike for them.  It stems from being one of the most uncoordinated, apt to lose players in North America, I'm sure of it.  You wouldn't like playing either if you always lost!  My husband on the other hand is a video game aficionado.  Any given day you'll most likely find him home playing games or at work, it's one or the other.  (Don't deny it sweetheart, if you think about it you'll see it's true.  No?  You're right, I might find you ironing your uniforms or sleeping.)
 Of course I made the pizza, a bbq ham and pineapple.  Everything homemade by yours truly.  It was amazing and delicious.
No we don't have a dog.  What hairy socks are you talking about?
 There was beer, of course.
 And a little game called Mario Party #2.  There was another game called Donkey Kong, but that spelled the end of our date, I may or may not have thrown my controller.  I lasted a good hour and a half before my patience wore too thin.  Shane mentioned afterwards how I lasted much longer than he thought I would.
Lastly there was potato chips, Hardbite to be exact.  They are made only a few miles from here, talk about local!

So that was date number one, easy on the wallet and comfortably acted out in the safety of our own home. Yes!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! Such a perfect gift!!!! This is cute, and Canadian money is pretty...I miss it.
